Market Research Conferences 2022
The updated list of market research conferences and events in 2022: Check our list of market research conferences 2023.
The updated list of market research conferences and events in 2022: Check our list of market research conferences 2023.
Usually a focus group project includes several online video sessions. Let’s imagine we have a project with four 90-minute video sessions. All sessions with the same discussion guide, the same stimuli. Video session 1: January 10, starting at 5:00 pm; 5 respondents Video session 2: January 10, starting at 7:30 pm; 5 respondents Video session…
Discussions are often observed by clients and a simultaneous interpretation can be helpful in some cases. This article describes how to easily connect clients and interpreters using common communication tools. 1. Invite the client and the interpreter to your Quallie project by adding them in the Users > Clients section. It’s better to assign the…
GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was implemented in 2018 to enhance individuals’ control and rights over their personal data. Every market research provider should be aware of the basic concept of GDPR and know how to design and conduct research projects which meet the data protection rules and best practices. What is personal data This…
We have updated a list of market research conferences 2021. This year, most of the events and fairs have been changed to virtual conferences due to the Covid-19 situation.
There are two ways to record your live discussions: Automatic recording Collabito records the video focus group and stores it to secure cloud storage by default. The recording is available a few minutes after the session has been completed, so that you can replay it or download it to your computer in mp4 format. The…
Obsah: Nejde zapnout video a připojit se Je slyšet ozvěna, echo Špatná kvalita videa, zamrzání nebo přerušení Jiné problémy se zvukem Tmavé obličeje Rušení na pozadí Problémy s přihlášením respondenta Obecná doporučení Při potížích nejprve zkuste kombinaci kláves CTRL a F5 – načte se znova stránka. Co dělat, když během diskuse nastane nějaký problém? Zde…
Table of content: Technical requirements The video call won’t connect Voice echo Poor video quality, freezing, interruptions Audio problems Dark faces Background noise Login problem Security restrictions General recommendations Try CTRL + F5 Refresh the page when a problem occurs. It will solve the issue in many cases. Technical requirements Stable internet connection: minimum bandwidth…
Here are our tips for how to write the best invitation email which ensures that your respondents will come and participate in your research project. 1. Email subject should be short and self-explanatory If people don’t understand the subject, they probably won’t open the email and shall miss the study. 2. Personalization Use the respondent’s…
Date: March 21, 2020 by Collabito Dear researchers, We share the concerns of researchers and administrators navigating through the incredibly disruptive challenges from COVID-19. We’ve decided to help researchers during these uncertain times: Free plan with increased limits Starting today you can now use Collabito Standard plan free of charge until June 2020. We might…